M2LBA Alpha - UI Recap

M2LBA User Interface (Alpha) Just before I begin the system migration process, I thought It would be a good idea to briefly recap what end users should expect for the user interface of the current development version of Mega Mixable Live: Baltica (M2LBA) Alpha , and how it differs from the M2L titles on the market. This has been discussed here too: Yes, it is true that M2LBA draws its inspiration from the codebase of M2L. However, the intention was not just to create something that was an artistic variant, but also to add new functionality where necessary. As a result of that, I arrived at what I'm calling the ' Alpha ' version of the deck interface, as I feel that this will serve as a foundation to further changes before release. Based on the image above, we will now explore the current UI following the numbers: 1) HUD Section: The HUD ( Heads-up Display ) for the M2LBA deck looks significantly different from what we've seen in M2L. It now adopts a minimalistic desi...